6 Types Of Garage Doors You Should Know Of

6 Types Of Garage Doors You Should Know Of

6 Types Of Garage Doors You Should Know Of

A garage door can make or break the overall appeal of your house. No matter how much money you’ve spent on the house, if your garage door doesn’t look good, it’s all going to waste because, lets “face” it, garage doors are usually aligned with the front door of the house.

Along with beauty, they should also be safely built to avoid accidents. With advancements in technology, long gone are the days when garage doors used to be simply side-hinged. So if you’re planning to get a garage door replaced or installed for the first time, here’s what you need to know about the different types available.


This type of garage door has been around for decades and is based on a simple mechanism. The door is made up of thin horizontal sections that are rolled up when you open the door. This is usually seen in commercial spaces or small garages, as it doesn’t require a lot of space to be installed and isn’t really appealing. There aren’t any customizing options for this type except for the color and material. But it’s functional so if you have a small garage, this is the garage door option to go for.


The sectional garage door has long horizontal sections but unlike the roll-up door, these sections are wider and instead of rolling up, they run up on the roof of the garage and therefore require some compromise related to space. However, these are the most common types of garage doors in the United States because of their practicality and elegant beauty. But if you’re looking for a door type that you can customize, you might not have as many options here.

Tilt-Up – Canopy

The tilt-up garage door comprises of a one-piece door that totally relies on the mechanism. The traditional canopy tilt-up door, as the name suggests, forms a canopy when it’s open. The canopy shields you from the sun so you some extra space because of the shade. Since the door is just a single piece, it can be customized in many ways.

Tilt-Up and Over – Retractable

The retractable tilt-up door is a little different than the canopy tilt-up as it’s mechanism pulls the door inwards when it’s open so there’s no canopy and this leads to more compromise on the garage roof space. There are numerous ways to customize this type of garage door.


This garage door comprises of a mechanism that makes the door run sideways along a track. If the garage space is small and limited, there may be a need to make sections in this type of garage door as single piece door can’t slide and fit on the side. The sliding mechanism can have the door slide inwards or outwards of the garage, depending upon your preference.


Last and the most conventionally old school kind of garage door is the side hinged one. It functions just like the normal side-hinged doors inside houses. The door can be a single piece or divided into two that open outwards, leaving no garage space compromised. They can be customized in many ways, as there are no complex mechanisms involved.

After you have your preferred type of garage door installed, you are more likely than not going to face problems related to maintaining and repairing the doors. If you’re in Oakley and happen to face unavoidable garage door problems, you can trust Your Garage Door Guys!

Offering a wide range of garage door services like spring adjustments and repairs, cable replacement, door balancing, tune-ups and more, Your Garage Door Guys offer professional services at reasonable charges in Oakley, Brentwood and other parts of California. Reach out to them for more queries.