Steel Doors in Oakley: The Ultimate Guide to Maintenance and Repair

Steel Doors in Oakley: The Ultimate Guide to Maintenance and Repair

Steel Doors in Oakley: The Ultimate Guide to Maintenance and Repair

Steel doors are a favored choice for homes in Oakley due to their durability, security, and aesthetic appeal. Like any other part of your property, steel doors require regular maintenance and routine repairs to keep them in optimal condition. In this guide, we’ll delve into the best practices for maintaining and repairing steel doors in Oakley, offering expert advice and highlighting common pitfalls to avoid.

Regular Maintenance Tips


Garage doors collect dirt and dust on the surface over time, so it is important to clean it every once in a while, especially around the locks and hinges as buildup there could lead to damage and or corrosion.


To keep them functioning smoothly, we recommend applying lubricants every 3-6 months. Also, remember to wipe off any extra oil so it doesn’t catch dirt or dust and leave marks.

Handling Routine Repairs

Requiring repairs is inevitable, even with regular maintenance. From rust spots and dents to weatherstripping, your door will need occasional repair work. Follow our guide below for some common issues and basic tools you need for the repairs.

Fixing Rust Spots

As a regular hitch in metal or steel doors, it has a simple fix. You can address rust spots using some sandpaper, rust-inhibiting primer, and paint. Use the sandpaper to smooth it out, and apply the primer and paint.

Repairing Dents

When struck by a hard object, your garage doors can dent fairly easily. The good news is that it can all be fixed within two hours; all you need is body filler, a putty knife, sandpaper, primer, and paint. Clean the dent, apply the filler using the putty knife, and repeat the steps for fixing rust spots.


Person holding Putty Knife

Putty Knife being used for repair work

Warping or Misalignment

Over time, you may find your garage doors a little bent or twisted out of shape or notice a slight misalignment.  However, this isn’t a reason to worry, as doors with high usage can have hinges or screws that go loose, causing your door to warp and be misaligned. All you need to fix this situation are a screwdriver, a pack of shims, and a level.

Replacing Weatherstripping

If you notice that your weatherstrip is dried out, droopy, cracked, or discolored, it’s a sign that it needs to be replaced. You’ll need some replacement weatherstripping, a utility knife, and adhesive for this.

Common Pitfalls

Ignoring Small Issues

Small issues can quickly transform into big problems if left untouched. For example, ignoring a small rust spot can jeopardize the integrity of your door through erosion.

Using Wrong Products

Using abrasive cleaners, oil-based lubricants, or subpar materials in an attempt to cut costs can, in turn, cause more harm than good, leading you to spend more than you would have had to in the first place.

DIY Disasters

Overconfidence while handling a repair and overestimating your abilities can lead to further damage. This is why it is better to call in a professional rather than to waste both your money and time.

Hire a Professional Today

Your Garage Door Guys has been serving the community since 1998, trusted with all sectional steel doors Oakley repairs and carriage house doors repair Oakley. It offers the best products and workmanship. Your Garage Door Guys provides you with easy and convenient services ranging from repair to installation.

Get in touch today!