The Hazards of DIY Garage Door Installation and Repair

The Hazards of DIY Garage Door Installation and Repair

The Hazards of DIY Garage Door Installation and Repair

Garage door installation and repair is a dangerous profession. It is no secret that garage doors can be heavy and bulky, and they require a lot of strength to move them up and down. If you are replacing your garage door system or adding a new one, it is important to hire a professional who knows how to perform the task safely.

Garage doors are often taken for granted. People often install garage doors themselves without paying any attention to the hazards that come with that. If you don’t take all the factors that can affect your garage door into consideration, it may pose serious dangers to family members and other people in the household.

DIY-ing Is Dangerous

The injuries that come from DIY garage door repair or installation accidents can vary from minor cuts and bruises to paralysis and even death. The most common and serious injury that can be sustained from a garage door accident is head trauma. The reason for this is that the majority of garage doors are overhead, which means that if you do not have them installed properly, someone could get their head stuck between the door and the ceiling or wall. This can lead to many different types of injuries, including concussions, fractures, lacerations, blood loss, and even death.

A Bad Installation Can Lead to Security Risk

Poor garage door installation increases the risk of intruders or vandals who may want to break in. The situation is especially bad nowadays due to the economy. This puts your entire family at risk and also increases the risk of you losing your assets. This is why it can be dangerous if the repair or installation is not done by a professional.


Contact the Professionals’ Now

At Your Garage Door Guys, we offer top-quality garage repair and installation services at affordable prices in Oakley, Brentwood, Clayton, Pittsburg, or Pleasant Hill. Our experienced sales team understands the needs of your business and can help you decide on a door that will fit in with your building’s architecture while providing years of reliable service. We have all types of doors such as wooden garage doors, steel garage doors, and overhead garage doors.

Visit our website today to schedule an appointment. You can contact us at 925-308-6011 for all types of commercial or residential door installation and repairs.